Sunday, July 27, 2008

Food Snobbery "Broccoli, that's a bit western suburbs isn't it?"

*sigh...* that title is the reason I started this blog.

Just quickly, it's because of what happened at Dank Street, not the cafe itself (mind you the cafe is a little bit up it's own bum, so not completely safe from derision in my books).

Yes, I actually overheard someone at Dank Street Depot saying this whilst purusing the menu for breakfast, full sentence was roughly this:

Burberry scarf wearing male: "Look at this... they have broccoli in this dish... isn't that a bit western suburbs?"

Their somewhat bemused companion had the good grace to just smile a little uncomfortably, I'm going to give them the benefit of the doubt here and assume the body language was a sign they weren't sure what their idiot friend was going on about....That said he was wearing a red Ferrari racing jacket and fashionably long, sculpted grey hair so who knows.

Burberry scarf wearing male: "I mean shouldn't it be broccolini or something?"

There you have it folks. Its official, you may now judge someone’s postcode based on their vegetable preferences.

Having been blissfully unaware of this key status indicator my whole life, I now wonder if I have been inadvertently showing my steerage credentials when I made broccoli pasta for friends the other week?

What other vegetable tells the same story? Im going to have a stab at a few:

Iceberg lettuce - No wait I saw that on a menu in the eastern suburbs... but being too ashamed to name it fully they decided to call it just "Iceberg" maybe we could could rename Broccoli, Broc...hmmm....

Banana's - I mean they're common as muck aren't they? Though that banana drought may have elevated their status as they were expensive for a while... ok this isn’t working.

What If I try the opposite...what food could make sure im not deemed a commoner?

Broccolini - Well this is clear, eating this is soooo not western suburbs

Heirloom tomato's
-Come on, fancy cherry tomatoes which are still on the vine.. actually anything still half attached to where came from is fancy (truss etc).

There's many more.. perhaps you can think of some...

.. "a bit western suburbs" for fuck sake.. I mean really....

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